Sunday, April 12, 2015

Everything But Frog, 12x16

Stumbling through the studio.....

......I literally fell into this painting from about a dozen years ago....(I really need to do some straightening up).  It didn't break or tear, which was fortunate, but it did make me think that doing a lily pad series this summer would be interesting, especially if I approached it in a more abstract way.   The ideas for that are beginning to flow.  Stay tuned.

A few years ago we were touring Monet's estate, walking around his ponds, gardens, house and studio.  It was a huge studio....more like a garage for buses.  He painted his lily pad series, immense  paintings that covered 12x20 foot walls, later in life when his eyesight was beginning to fail.  He would do those pieces by running (well, maybe he didn't actually 'run') out to the ponds, taking a quick look, and returning to the studio to add what he could to those after day, week after week.  I read somewhere that soon he was to lose his ability to even see color, still able to paint because he knew where the colors were supposed to be on his palette and what it took to mix new hues.

It was his initial 'concept' that kept it all a huge dose of experience and a dedicated talent.

So, taking a lesson from one of the Masters, I'm working on my ideas.  I'm also working on where to find some lily pad ponds.  Suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Lovely colors on your lily pads.....lily pad fotos can be found on paintmyphoto dot or on this helps and you find yourself some you like to paint.
    Also, go to your closest botannnical gardens....we have huge lily pads there.

  2. It's not the most glamorous place, but if you make it over to the mainland down Renton way, Boeing has a commercial training center called Longacres. It was built around an old apple orchard, the apple tress are still there and well tended, and there is a big pond (small lake). Walking around it several months ago I found some lily pads. It's a surprisingly nice place for being in the middle of an industrial area. Happy painting!

  3. Thanks for the comments and great suggestions. I check them out....


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