Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Whale Watcher, 10x12

Anders Zorn, the John Singer Sargeant of Sweden, used a limited palette of colors often referred to as the 'Zorn Palette'.  That palette was just black, white, a yellow and a red....but, in truth, he did use more colors, just not very many.  Known not only for his oils but also for his etchings and watercolors, he is a Scandinavian legend.  Zorn, Sargeant, Sorolla and Mancini were powerhouse painters from the turn of the last century.

When I find my portraits slipping in color relations I'll often go back to his palette to get re-anchored, and that's what I'm doing here.  I love this guys lower lip and actually reduced how much it stuck out because it looked like a mistake when painted accurately.  

Try his palette.  When you do, notice how you can actually get lavenders and greens out of just those pigments.

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