Monday, December 19, 2011

All Peared Up, 6x12

That time of the year has come.  The tree is up, the festivities are beginning and it's time for me to do my annual culling of paintings.  Occasionally, however, I run across one that doesn't want to leave.  I've only sorted through one box so far and already I have pulled out six that, with tweak or two, are going to stay for a while longer.

This comes from a hot summer day when the sun was just a few hours from setting.  I remember the light being so bright that it was difficult to see the colors.  In the way of improvement I changed only a few strokes and now find it pleasant to look at.

Like life in general, it often takes only the tiniest effort to make a huge difference.....for paintings and people.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pears and the sentiment attached! What do you do with your "culled" paintings? I've been thinking of doing the same with my small daily paintings but haven't decided on a plan of action yet..


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